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Community attitudes to road safety : Community attitudes survey wave V

By: Contributor(s): Publication details: Canberra Australian Department of Transport and, 1990; Communications. Federal Office of Road Safety, ; CR93, Description: 71 sSubject(s): Bibl.nr: VTI P0643:93 VTI 2002.0734:2Location: Abstract: In June 1990, the fifth in a series of national surveys on community attitudes to road safety was conducted. This report contains results from Wave 5 and, where possible, comparative results since 1986. Issues covered in the survey include causes of road crashes, perceptions of police enforcement of road rules, attitudes to drink driving and random breath testing, driving behaviour, seat belt use and views held regarding various road user groups.
Item type: Reports, conferences, monographs

In June 1990, the fifth in a series of national surveys on community attitudes to road safety was conducted. This report contains results from Wave 5 and, where possible, comparative results since 1986. Issues covered in the survey include causes of road crashes, perceptions of police enforcement of road rules, attitudes to drink driving and random breath testing, driving behaviour, seat belt use and views held regarding various road user groups.