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Summary report on permanent deformation in asphalt concrete Sousa, Jorge B ; Craus, Joseph ; Monismith, Carl L

Av: Medverkande(n): Utgivningsinformation: Washington DC Strategic Highway Research Program, 1991; SHRP-A/IR-91-104, Beskrivning: 120 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Bibl.nr: VTI P1382:104Location: Anmärkning: 3 ex. Identisk med: SHRP-A-318 Abstrakt: Examines information concerning permanent deformation characteristics of asphalt-aggregate mixtures.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
Bestånd: VTI P1382:104

Examines information concerning permanent deformation characteristics of asphalt-aggregate mixtures.

3 ex. Identisk med: SHRP-A-318

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