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Sustainable fuels : Introduction of biofuels Ahlvik, Peter ; Brandberg, Åke

Av: Medverkande(n): Utgivningsinformation: Borlänge Vägverket. Publikation 2002:144, 2002Beskrivning: 53 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Bibl.nr: VTI P1928:2002-144Location: Abstrakt: The emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, from the road transport system and the measures that should be taken to reduce these emissions are frequently debated in Sweden and in many other countries. The debate covers several alternative fuels, including those based on biomass, alternative fossil fuels and, in addition, new powertrains that, in their turn require new fuels. In many cases, the present cost is very high. This leads to the need for large tax incentives so that the alternatives will be competitive. Further development of the production methods is therefore necessary. There is no Swedish strategy for the introduction of biofuels at the present time. This report is intended to be a basis for discussions about such a strategy. Known technical and economic prerequisites for a large-scale introduction of biofuels have been summarised. This has led to the identification and evaluation of a number of fuel alternatives.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
Bestånd: VTI P1928:2002-144

The emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, from the road transport system and the measures that should be taken to reduce these emissions are frequently debated in Sweden and in many other countries. The debate covers several alternative fuels, including those based on biomass, alternative fossil fuels and, in addition, new powertrains that, in their turn require new fuels. In many cases, the present cost is very high. This leads to the need for large tax incentives so that the alternatives will be competitive. Further development of the production methods is therefore necessary. There is no Swedish strategy for the introduction of biofuels at the present time. This report is intended to be a basis for discussions about such a strategy. Known technical and economic prerequisites for a large-scale introduction of biofuels have been summarised. This has led to the identification and evaluation of a number of fuel alternatives.

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