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Indicative benefit/cost analysis of road trauma countermeasures : Torpey, Sandra et al interim report for discussion

Av: Utgivningsinformation: Clayton Monash University. Accident Research Centre, 1991Beskrivning: 63 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Abstrakt: At the request of its Board of Management, the Monash University Accident Research Centre has conducted a project to estimate the benefits and costs of a limited number of countermeasures which could be introduced or escalated in Victoria. The project covers: potential new road trauma countermeasures countermeasures already implemented but with the potential to expand existing countermeasures with significant on-going costs. Well accepted legislative countermeasures with small on-going costs, such as compulsory seat belt use, motorcycle helmet wearing and the 0.05 BAC limit have not been analysed. Other measures for which no meaningful data were available were also not considered.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
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At the request of its Board of Management, the Monash University Accident Research Centre has conducted a project to estimate the benefits and costs of a limited number of countermeasures which could be introduced or escalated in Victoria. The project covers: potential new road trauma countermeasures countermeasures already implemented but with the potential to expand existing countermeasures with significant on-going costs. Well accepted legislative countermeasures with small on-going costs, such as compulsory seat belt use, motorcycle helmet wearing and the 0.05 BAC limit have not been analysed. Other measures for which no meaningful data were available were also not considered.

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