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User-perceived level-of-service evaluation model for airport baggage-handling systems (with discussion and closure) Pagani, J et al

Av: Utgivningsinformation: Transportation Research Record, 2002Beskrivning: nr 1788, s. 33-42Ämnen: Bibl.nr: VTI P8169:2002 RefLocation: Abstrakt: Background research shows that the design standards for baggage-handling systems (BHSs) do not consider the level of service (LOS) as perceived by the passengers. Moreover, it is evident that a national strategy for defining the LOS of BHSs and the means to improve it are lacking. An LOS model that can ascertain the LOS being achieved by the BHS would be beneficial to airlines, passengers, and airport designers. Such a model would enable airport authorities and airlines to determine when improvements are required and to develop a strategy for implementing the needed changes. In a study performed at six Canadian airports, more than 800 passengers rated the LOS provided by the overall BHS and its components. The results confirm that traditional time and space standards currently used by aviation agencies, airports, airlines, and baggage handlers are not adequate. Subsequently, a user-perceived LOS model was developed and should be useful in evaluating BHSs nationwide.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
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Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut Tillgänglig

Background research shows that the design standards for baggage-handling systems (BHSs) do not consider the level of service (LOS) as perceived by the passengers. Moreover, it is evident that a national strategy for defining the LOS of BHSs and the means to improve it are lacking. An LOS model that can ascertain the LOS being achieved by the BHS would be beneficial to airlines, passengers, and airport designers. Such a model would enable airport authorities and airlines to determine when improvements are required and to develop a strategy for implementing the needed changes. In a study performed at six Canadian airports, more than 800 passengers rated the LOS provided by the overall BHS and its components. The results confirm that traditional time and space standards currently used by aviation agencies, airports, airlines, and baggage handlers are not adequate. Subsequently, a user-perceived LOS model was developed and should be useful in evaluating BHSs nationwide.

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