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Dagligvarumarknaden - en samhälls- och distributionsekonomisk analys av internet som försäljningskanal Holmberg, Maria

Av: Utgivningsinformation: Linköping Linköpings universitet, 2001; Ekonomiska institutionen, ; Nationalekonomi 2001/9, Beskrivning: 87 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Abstrakt: Structural changes on the grocery market usually take place when the consumer is persuaded to take on the more labourintense parts of the distributionprocess. Internettrade changes this by causing competition between the unpaid work done by consumers and the labor performed by employees. In this master thesis grocery shopping on the internet is analyzed in a economic perspective with focus on distribution, changing marketstructures, driving forces and the future potential of internet as a saleschannel. The main conclusions are that consumerdemand and the belief in electronic commerce as a costreducing mechanism as well as a powerful new marketing tool were the driving forces behind the fast growth of grocery shopping on the internet. Electronic commerce introduces a new model of distribution with changing roles for consumers and grocerychains. In the thesis different scenarios concerning the future of grocery shopping on the Internet are presented, where an increase in the demand for internetservices is an important factor for success.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
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Structural changes on the grocery market usually take place when the consumer is persuaded to take on the more labourintense parts of the distributionprocess. Internettrade changes this by causing competition between the unpaid work done by consumers and the labor performed by employees. In this master thesis grocery shopping on the internet is analyzed in a economic perspective with focus on distribution, changing marketstructures, driving forces and the future potential of internet as a saleschannel. The main conclusions are that consumerdemand and the belief in electronic commerce as a costreducing mechanism as well as a powerful new marketing tool were the driving forces behind the fast growth of grocery shopping on the internet. Electronic commerce introduces a new model of distribution with changing roles for consumers and grocerychains. In the thesis different scenarios concerning the future of grocery shopping on the Internet are presented, where an increase in the demand for internetservices is an important factor for success.

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