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Förstudie om strategisk infrastrukturplanering Lundberg, Mattias ; Persson, Stefan

Av: Medverkande(n): Serie: NVF rapport ; 5:2002Utgivningsinformation: Borlänge Nordiska vägtekniska förbundet. Utskott 21: Planering, 2003Beskrivning: 58 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Bibl.nr: VTI P0592:2002-05Location: Anmärkning: 2 ex. På omslaget: En jämförelse mellan systemen i Danmark, Finland, Norge och Sverige Abstrakt: This report compares strategic infrastructure planning procedures in Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden. The purpose of the report is to serve as a basis for further discussions of the planning process for road infrastructure investment in the different countries.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
Bestånd: VTI P0592:2002-05

2 ex. På omslaget: En jämförelse mellan systemen i Danmark, Finland, Norge och Sverige

This report compares strategic infrastructure planning procedures in Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden. The purpose of the report is to serve as a basis for further discussions of the planning process for road infrastructure investment in the different countries.

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