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Measuring emotions in traffic Mesken, Jolieke

Av: Utgivningsinformation: Leidschendam Stichting wetenschappelijk onderzoek verkeersveiligheid, SWOV, 2002; Report D-2002-03, Beskrivning: 22 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Abstrakt: In this paper, three categories of methods to measure emotions are reviewed and possible applications for traffic research are discussed. Of the three measurement categories - overt behaviour, physiological measures and self-reported behaviour - examples are given of past use of these measures in traffic research. Also, implications for further research are discussed.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
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In this paper, three categories of methods to measure emotions are reviewed and possible applications for traffic research are discussed. Of the three measurement categories - overt behaviour, physiological measures and self-reported behaviour - examples are given of past use of these measures in traffic research. Also, implications for further research are discussed.

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