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Speed profiles - a method for analysing speed adaptation of car drivers Karlgren, Joachim

Av: Utgivningsinformation: Göteborg Chalmers University of Technology, 1999; School of architecture, ; Urban transport planning, Beskrivning: 8 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Abstrakt: If speed of cars are measured continously over segments of a street, a speed profile can be produced and illustratet how motorists adapt their driving speed to the geometrical design and general appearance of the street. This allows a direct assessment of specific speed reducing measures.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
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If speed of cars are measured continously over segments of a street, a speed profile can be produced and illustratet how motorists adapt their driving speed to the geometrical design and general appearance of the street. This allows a direct assessment of specific speed reducing measures.

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