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Pedestrian fatalities in Australia

Av: Utgivningsinformation: Canberra Federal Office of Road Safety, FORS. Monograph 7, 1996Beskrivning: 146 kBÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Abstrakt: Australia, along with other developed nations, has experienced significant reductions in its road toll in the last twenty five years. The number of people killed has decreased by 47 per cent from 3,798 in 1970 to 2,017 in 1995. Significant features in reducing the road toll include continuing improvements in vehicle design, an improved road network and police enforcement of seat belt wearing, random breath testing and speed limits.
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Australia, along with other developed nations, has experienced significant reductions in its road toll in the last twenty five years. The number of people killed has decreased by 47 per cent from 3,798 in 1970 to 2,017 in 1995. Significant features in reducing the road toll include continuing improvements in vehicle design, an improved road network and police enforcement of seat belt wearing, random breath testing and speed limits.

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