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Air quality in larger cities in the European Union - A contribution to the Auto-Oil II programme de Leeuw, Frank et al

Av: Utgivningsinformation: Köpenhamn European Environment Agency, EEA, 2001; Topic report 3/2001, Beskrivning: 741 kBÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Abstrakt: In this report, the air quality in about 200 urban agglomerations within the EU is calculated for a reference year (1995 or 1990) and for the year 2010, assuming the 'Auto-Oil II' programme base case scenarios. The parameter calculated is the urban background air pollution concentration, which is representative of the concentration in most of the urban area, with the exception of places under direct influence of emission sources, such as street traffic.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
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In this report, the air quality in about 200 urban agglomerations within the EU is calculated for a reference year (1995 or 1990) and for the year 2010, assuming the 'Auto-Oil II' programme base case scenarios. The parameter calculated is the urban background air pollution concentration, which is representative of the concentration in most of the urban area, with the exception of places under direct influence of emission sources, such as street traffic.

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