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Making sustainability accountable : Eco-efficiency, resource productivity and innovation. Proceedings of a workshop on the occasion of the Fifth Anniversary of the European Environment Agency (EEA), 28 - 30 October 1998 in Copenhagen redaktör: Moll, Stephan ; redaktör: Gee, David

Av: Medverkande(n): Utgivningsinformation: Köpenhamn European Environment Agency, EEA, 2000; Topic report 11/1999, Beskrivning: 206 kBÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Abstrakt: Booklet contains summaries of presentations, discussions and conclusions of the Workshop on the occasion of the fitfth anniversary of the European Environment Agency (EEA), 28-30 October 1998, organised by the EEA and the Factor-10-Institute in co-operation with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), European Partners on Environment (EPE), Nordic Counsil of Ministers and Austrian Federal Ministry for the Environment, Youth and Family Affairs.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
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Booklet contains summaries of presentations, discussions and conclusions of the Workshop on the occasion of the fitfth anniversary of the European Environment Agency (EEA), 28-30 October 1998, organised by the EEA and the Factor-10-Institute in co-operation with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), European Partners on Environment (EPE), Nordic Counsil of Ministers and Austrian Federal Ministry for the Environment, Youth and Family Affairs.

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