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Full scale acclerated tests : Final report Pihlajamäki, Jari ; Wiman, Leif G ; Gustafson, Kent

Av: Medverkande(n): Utgivningsinformation: Linköping Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, 2002; Reinforcement of Flexible Road Structures, ; with Steel Fabrics to Prolong Service Life, ; REFLEX report T4:02, Beskrivning: 58 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Abstrakt: This report is the second technical and final report of Task 4 "Full Scale Accelerated Tests" in the EU REFLEX project. REFLEX is the acronym for "Reinforcement of Flexible Road Structures with Steel Fabrics to Prolong Service Life". The main objective of REFLEX is to develop a new technology for road construction and rehabilitation. The idea is to use steel fabric reinforcement in asphalt roads in order to make road structures more cost effective by improving the lifetime of new constructed roads and by developing an optimal rehabilitation method for existing roads.The objectives of Task 4, "Full Scale Accelerated Tests" were to simulate the number of load applications reinforced structures can carry under controlled conditions and compared with conventional unreinforced structures. This report covers the results of the two first tests of accelerated testing carried out on reinforced pavement structures at VTI in Sweden from June to October 2000 and the results of the third test carried out at VTT in Finland from February to May 2001.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
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This report is the second technical and final report of Task 4 "Full Scale Accelerated Tests" in the EU REFLEX project. REFLEX is the acronym for "Reinforcement of Flexible Road Structures with Steel Fabrics to Prolong Service Life". The main objective of REFLEX is to develop a new technology for road construction and rehabilitation. The idea is to use steel fabric reinforcement in asphalt roads in order to make road structures more cost effective by improving the lifetime of new constructed roads and by developing an optimal rehabilitation method for existing roads.The objectives of Task 4, "Full Scale Accelerated Tests" were to simulate the number of load applications reinforced structures can carry under controlled conditions and compared with conventional unreinforced structures. This report covers the results of the two first tests of accelerated testing carried out on reinforced pavement structures at VTI in Sweden from June to October 2000 and the results of the third test carried out at VTT in Finland from February to May 2001.

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