Use of rear-facing position for common wheelchairs on transit buses Rutenberg, Uwe ; Hemily, Brendon
Publication details: Washington DC Transit Cooperative Research Program, 2003; TCRP synthesis 50, Description: 42 sISBN:- 0309069734
This synthesis will be of interest to transit agency staff and those who work with them in dealing with common wheelchair securement on transit buses. It offers information on existing programs in many countries and documents transit agency experiences for the benefit of others considering similar deployments, in particular with respect to the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and to its use in U.S. Bus Rapid Transit systems. The report describes the state of the practice with respect to the use of rearfacing position for accommodating "common wheelchairs" (as defined by the ADA) on large transit buses (more than 30,000 lb) and identifies pertinent issues related to its transferability to the U.S. context.