Application of system engineering techniques to optimise benefits of fixed speed cameras Donnelly, Tom
Publication details: Sydney 2003Description: 6 sSubject(s): Online resources: Notes: Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference Proceedings, 2003, Sydney Abstract: The CityLink tollway uses two tunnels, each of which is several kilometres in length, to divert traffic away from Melbourne city centre. In order to provide a safe environment there needed to be a means of enforcing appropriate driver behaviour. Automated enforcement technology was needed because the limited width of the tunnels precludes the use of traditional policing techniques. The challenge was to design and implement a safety camera system which would improve road user behaviour while also providing high levels of performance and reliability in an environment where there is minimal access to operational equipment. The required outcomes were defined by the State of Victoria, and Tenix Solutions assumed the complete financial and technical risk of developing and implementing a solution under the auspices of their service contract. The project was structured into two stages, a pilot programme and a roll-out phase. During the pilot programme an evaluation was made of two potential solutions, both of which were designed and installed into the Domain tunnel, the shorter of the two tunnels (1.6km). The selected system was further evaluated and characterised leading to initial live deployment in April 2001. Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) were contracted to conduct a detailed study of driver behaviour as part of the pilot programme demonstrating that vehicle speeds were significantly reduced. Following successful implementation of the pilot system, the rollout programme commenced in the Burnley tunnel in December 2001. The design process used for this project was derived from a system engineering methodology with an emphasis on management of risks throughout the project lifecycle and stakeholder involvement at all major decision points. This paper presents results showing the trade-offs between major system design parameters in delivering the desired levels of overall system effectiveness.Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference Proceedings, 2003, Sydney
The CityLink tollway uses two tunnels, each of which is several kilometres in length, to divert traffic away from Melbourne city centre. In order to provide a safe environment there needed to be a means of enforcing appropriate driver behaviour. Automated enforcement technology was needed because the limited width of the tunnels precludes the use of traditional policing techniques. The challenge was to design and implement a safety camera system which would improve road user behaviour while also providing high levels of performance and reliability in an environment where there is minimal access to operational equipment. The required outcomes were defined by the State of Victoria, and Tenix Solutions assumed the complete financial and technical risk of developing and implementing a solution under the auspices of their service contract. The project was structured into two stages, a pilot programme and a roll-out phase. During the pilot programme an evaluation was made of two potential solutions, both of which were designed and installed into the Domain tunnel, the shorter of the two tunnels (1.6km). The selected system was further evaluated and characterised leading to initial live deployment in April 2001. Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) were contracted to conduct a detailed study of driver behaviour as part of the pilot programme demonstrating that vehicle speeds were significantly reduced. Following successful implementation of the pilot system, the rollout programme commenced in the Burnley tunnel in December 2001. The design process used for this project was derived from a system engineering methodology with an emphasis on management of risks throughout the project lifecycle and stakeholder involvement at all major decision points. This paper presents results showing the trade-offs between major system design parameters in delivering the desired levels of overall system effectiveness.