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Simplex-based calibration of traffic microsimulation models with intelligent transportation systems data Kim, Kyu-Ok ; Rilett, LR

By: Contributor(s): Publication details: Transportation Research Record, 2003Description: nr 1855, s. 80-9Subject(s): Bibl.nr: VTI P8169:2003 Ref ; VTI P8167Location: Abstract: In recent years, microsimulation has become increasingly important in transportation system modeling. A potential issue is whether these models adequately represent reality and whether enough data exist with which to calibrate these models. There has been rapid deployment of intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies in most urban areas of North America in the last 10 years. While ITSs are developed primarily for real-time traffic operations, the data are typically archived and available for traffic microsimulation calibration. A methodology, based on the sequential simplex algorithm, that uses ITS data to calibrate microsimulation models is presented. The test bed is a 23-km section of Interstate 10 in Houston, Texas. Two microsimulation models, CORSIM and TRANSIMS, were calibrated for two different demand matrices and three periods (morning peak, evening peak, and off-peak). It was found for the morning peak that the simplex algorithm had better results than either the default values or a simple, manual calibration. As the level of congestion decreased, the effectiveness of the simplex approach also decreased, as compared with standard techniques.
Item type: Reports, conferences, monographs
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In recent years, microsimulation has become increasingly important in transportation system modeling. A potential issue is whether these models adequately represent reality and whether enough data exist with which to calibrate these models. There has been rapid deployment of intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies in most urban areas of North America in the last 10 years. While ITSs are developed primarily for real-time traffic operations, the data are typically archived and available for traffic microsimulation calibration. A methodology, based on the sequential simplex algorithm, that uses ITS data to calibrate microsimulation models is presented. The test bed is a 23-km section of Interstate 10 in Houston, Texas. Two microsimulation models, CORSIM and TRANSIMS, were calibrated for two different demand matrices and three periods (morning peak, evening peak, and off-peak). It was found for the morning peak that the simplex algorithm had better results than either the default values or a simple, manual calibration. As the level of congestion decreased, the effectiveness of the simplex approach also decreased, as compared with standard techniques.