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The effects of in-lane rumble strips on the stopping behavior of attentive drivers. Final report Harder, Kathleen A ; Bloomfield, John ; Chihak, Ben

Av: Medverkande: Utgivningsinformation: St Paul, MN Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2001; University of Minnesota, ; Human Factors Research Laboratory, Beskrivning: 20 sÄmnen: Onlineresurser: Bibl.nr: VTI 2004.0652Location: Abstrakt: This project involved investigating the effect, if any, of rumble strips on stopping behavior at simulated rural-controlled intersections. Researchers used the wrap-around driver simulator at the University of Minnesota's Human Factors Research Laboratory for the project. Researchers varied the rumble strip type and the number of rumble strips and tested them on two different types of controlled intersections, two-way or four-way, and in the presence and absence of traffic. Results indicate that none of these manipulations seem to affect the point at which drivers stop at the controlled intersections or the point at which drivers start to slow down at controlled intersections. The research did reveal drivers brake more, earlier, when rumble strips are installed than they do if there are no rumble strips. Although they started to slow down at the same time and finished braking at the same time, there was more use of the brake earlier in the slowing down maneuver in the presence of rumble strips. Results also reveal that drivers brake more and earlier with full coverage rumble strips than they do with wheel track rumble strips.
Exemplartyp: Rapport, konferenser, monografier
Bestånd: VTI 2004.0652

This project involved investigating the effect, if any, of rumble strips on stopping behavior at simulated rural-controlled intersections. Researchers used the wrap-around driver simulator at the University of Minnesota's Human Factors Research Laboratory for the project. Researchers varied the rumble strip type and the number of rumble strips and tested them on two different types of controlled intersections, two-way or four-way, and in the presence and absence of traffic. Results indicate that none of these manipulations seem to affect the point at which drivers stop at the controlled intersections or the point at which drivers start to slow down at controlled intersections. The research did reveal drivers brake more, earlier, when rumble strips are installed than they do if there are no rumble strips. Although they started to slow down at the same time and finished braking at the same time, there was more use of the brake earlier in the slowing down maneuver in the presence of rumble strips. Results also reveal that drivers brake more and earlier with full coverage rumble strips than they do with wheel track rumble strips.

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