Ajokäyttäytyminen leveäkaistaisella tiellä : ajo-opasteiden vaikutukset ja ohitustilanteet
Language: Finnish Summary language: English Series: Tiehallinnon selvityksiä ; 50/2004Publication details: Helsingfors : Tiehallinto, 2004Description: 50 s. + bilISBN:- 9518033595
- Driver behavior on a wide-lane road : effects of signs and overtaking situations
Finnish Road Administration (Finnra) has occasionally received feedback about driving behavior on wide-lane roads. Feedback has been given especially about foreign vehicles that drive in the middle of the road and thereby hinder overtaking. The addition of English and/or Russian signs to supplement existing Finnish and Swedish signs has been presented as a solution. The objective of this study was to determine whether it is necessary to begin using Russian and/or English signs to indicate correct driving practice. Another goal was to determine the effect that existing Finnish and Swedish signs have on the position of Finnish vehicles in the lane. Driving behavior while overtaking was also assessed.