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PROSIG - final report Davidsson, Fredrik

By: Publication details: Borlänge Vägverket. Publikation 2004:179, 2004Description: 43 sSubject(s): Online resources: Bibl.nr: VTI P1928:2004-179Location: Abstract: The objective of the project has been that within one year from the start of the project the participating consultancy companies should be able to supply the road authorities with detailed traffic analysis based on the research results from the project. A road authority should also be able to call for a tender in competition where the in-depth analysis of different traffic control schemes should be based on the method outlined in the Prosig project. A new type of interface between a traffic simulator and a traffic signal controller has successfully been implemented. Several traffic signal experts at consultancy companies and road authorities have used the concept in real applications. A TCP-IP based solution opens up the often closed system of interesting traffic data and programming facilities in the urban traffic control system and one of the Prosig applications points towards a possible solution to the problem. The basis for the communication is the exchange of group status and detector information. Additional inputs, such as pedestrian push-buttons and inputs that are not internal in the controller are treated the same way as normal detector information
Item type: Reports, conferences, monographs
Holdings: VTI P1928:2004-179

The objective of the project has been that within one year from the start of the project the participating consultancy companies should be able to supply the road authorities with detailed traffic analysis based on the research results from the project. A road authority should also be able to call for a tender in competition where the in-depth analysis of different traffic control schemes should be based on the method outlined in the Prosig project. A new type of interface between a traffic simulator and a traffic signal controller has successfully been implemented. Several traffic signal experts at consultancy companies and road authorities have used the concept in real applications. A TCP-IP based solution opens up the often closed system of interesting traffic data and programming facilities in the urban traffic control system and one of the Prosig applications points towards a possible solution to the problem. The basis for the communication is the exchange of group status and detector information. Additional inputs, such as pedestrian push-buttons and inputs that are not internal in the controller are treated the same way as normal detector information