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Road crashes in South Australia 2002
Publication details: Walkerville Department of Transport and Urban Planning. Transport SA, 2003; Transportation Information Management Section, Description: 152 sSubject(s): Online resources: Abstract: This report comprises tabulations of crash data for South Australia, 2002, disaggregated by: crash and casualty severity, time of day, day of week, month of year, geographic region, crash type, location type, light conditions, traffic controls, area speed limit, road user type, apparent error of road user, vehicle movement, vehicle type, licence type, driving experience, casualty age and sex, nature of injury, position in vehicle and alcohol involvement.No physical items for this record
This report comprises tabulations of crash data for South Australia, 2002, disaggregated by: crash and casualty severity, time of day, day of week, month of year, geographic region, crash type, location type, light conditions, traffic controls, area speed limit, road user type, apparent error of road user, vehicle movement, vehicle type, licence type, driving experience, casualty age and sex, nature of injury, position in vehicle and alcohol involvement.