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Benefit evaluation of road snow removal in the Tohoku region Morisugi, Hisayoshi et al

By: Language: English Language: French Series: ; topic II-118Publication details: XIth international winter road congress 2002. Sapporo [Japan] / XIe congres international de la viabilite hivernale 2002, Sapporo [Japon]. Paper, 2002Description: 10 sSubject(s): Bibl.nr: VTI 2002.0071Location: Abstract: This research has obtained estimated values of generalized travel cost including comfort and punctuality provided by snow removal by using stated preference data (SP data) to apply a logit model with a linear utility function. In particular, it focussed on the psychological effects of current level dependency on the road snow level on drivers: a factor rarely considered in the past. The time value was a little smaller than that used by the present manual, but the results have revealed that its evaluation of punctuality is high and when snow has accumulated, there is a stronger consciousness of guaranteeing punctuality than of the time reduction effects. It has also shown that the harsher the driving environment, when it is snowing rather than clear for example, the higher the benefits ratio for comfort. The questionnaire survey was performed on the assumption that the trips would definitely be made, but it is necessary to account for benefit measurements of a case where the traffic volume is elastic on the road conditions. Another remaining challenge is to measure benefits more precisely by accurately measuring driving speed by road surface condition (using a probe car).
Item type: Reports, conferences, monographs
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Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut Available

This research has obtained estimated values of generalized travel cost including comfort and punctuality provided by snow removal by using stated preference data (SP data) to apply a logit model with a linear utility function. In particular, it focussed on the psychological effects of current level dependency on the road snow level on drivers: a factor rarely considered in the past. The time value was a little smaller than that used by the present manual, but the results have revealed that its evaluation of punctuality is high and when snow has accumulated, there is a stronger consciousness of guaranteeing punctuality than of the time reduction effects. It has also shown that the harsher the driving environment, when it is snowing rather than clear for example, the higher the benefits ratio for comfort. The questionnaire survey was performed on the assumption that the trips would definitely be made, but it is necessary to account for benefit measurements of a case where the traffic volume is elastic on the road conditions. Another remaining challenge is to measure benefits more precisely by accurately measuring driving speed by road surface condition (using a probe car).

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