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Development of compact MOVA Henderson, I R ; Crabtree, M R ; Maxwell, A

By: Contributor(s): Publication details: Crowthorne TRL Limited, 2005; TRL report 648, Description: 40 sISBN:
  • 1846086477
Subject(s): Bibl.nr: VTI P4040:648Location: Abstract: MOVA (Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation) is a traffic signal control strategy designed for isolated (uncoordinated) junctions. It currently accounts for about 15% of UK isolated signal controlled junctions. MOVA has proven to be significantly better than standard Vehicle Actuation (VA) traffic signal control in terms of junction capacity and vehicular delay. Compact MOVA allows MOVA to be installed without the use of the more distant ‘IN-detectors’ on all or selected low speed approaches (where the 85th percentile speed is less than 35 mph). Hence Compact MOVA costs less to install and maintain, and it can be used in situations where the siting of the IN-detector would have proved difficult. The results of microscopic simulation and on-street trials indicate that Compact MOVA can be expected to provide an average of about a 7% vehicle delay reduction at junctions compared with standard vehicle actuation (which is about half of what MOVA normally achieves). During congested periods Compact MOVA behaves similarly to MOVA. At Puffin crossings significant reductions in pedestrian delay were shown, with little effect upon vehicle delay. Compact MOVA has been incorporated into MOVA M5 and distributed to the traffic signal companies supplying MOVA. Draft advice on the use of Compact MOVA has been included in this report. Some further experience of Compact MOVA is required before its inclusion in the MOVA Application Guides.
Item type: Reports, conferences, monographs
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Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut Available

MOVA (Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation) is a traffic signal control strategy designed for isolated (uncoordinated) junctions. It currently accounts for about 15% of UK isolated signal controlled junctions. MOVA has proven to be significantly better than standard Vehicle Actuation (VA) traffic signal control in terms of junction capacity and vehicular delay. Compact MOVA allows MOVA to be installed without the use of the more distant ‘IN-detectors’ on all or selected low speed approaches (where the 85th percentile speed is less than 35 mph). Hence Compact MOVA costs less to install and maintain, and it can be used in situations where the siting of the IN-detector would have proved difficult. The results of microscopic simulation and on-street trials indicate that Compact MOVA can be expected to provide an average of about a 7% vehicle delay reduction at junctions compared with standard vehicle actuation (which is about half of what MOVA normally achieves). During congested periods Compact MOVA behaves similarly to MOVA. At Puffin crossings significant reductions in pedestrian delay were shown, with little effect upon vehicle delay. Compact MOVA has been incorporated into MOVA M5 and distributed to the traffic signal companies supplying MOVA. Draft advice on the use of Compact MOVA has been included in this report. Some further experience of Compact MOVA is required before its inclusion in the MOVA Application Guides.