Portable concrete traffic barrier for maintenance operations. Technical report Bligh, Roger P et al
Publication details: College Station, TX Texas A&M University System. Texas Transportation Institute, 2005; Texas Department of Transportation. Research and Technology Implementation Office, Description: 59 sSubject(s): Online resources: Abstract: The objective of this project is to develop and test a portable barrier system for high-speed applications that can be easily transported and erected by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) maintenance forces using readily available equipment such as a front-end loader. Consideration was given to factors such as segment length, segment weight, connection method, barrier constructability, and dynamic barrier deflection. A deflection constraint of 3 ft was imposed by the project panel. Based on the results of the testing and evaluation reported herein, the new precast, cross-bolt, F-shape concrete traffic barrier with l0-ft barrier segments is considered suitable for implementation on high-speed roadways. The cross-bolt connection system adapted for use in the new barrier helps limit dynamic deflection during an impact. When subjected to a crash test with an impact severity 15 percent greater than currently required in NCHRP Report 350, the barrier deflected only 27 inches. This is the lowest deflection of any free-standing, portable concrete barrier approved to NCHRP Report 350 requirements other than TxDOT's X-bolt barrier with 30-ft segments. The low deflection and ease of placement and repair make the barrier well suited for maintenance and work zone operations.The objective of this project is to develop and test a portable barrier system for high-speed applications that can be easily transported and erected by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) maintenance forces using readily available equipment such as a front-end loader. Consideration was given to factors such as segment length, segment weight, connection method, barrier constructability, and dynamic barrier deflection. A deflection constraint of 3 ft was imposed by the project panel. Based on the results of the testing and evaluation reported herein, the new precast, cross-bolt, F-shape concrete traffic barrier with l0-ft barrier segments is considered suitable for implementation on high-speed roadways. The cross-bolt connection system adapted for use in the new barrier helps limit dynamic deflection during an impact. When subjected to a crash test with an impact severity 15 percent greater than currently required in NCHRP Report 350, the barrier deflected only 27 inches. This is the lowest deflection of any free-standing, portable concrete barrier approved to NCHRP Report 350 requirements other than TxDOT's X-bolt barrier with 30-ft segments. The low deflection and ease of placement and repair make the barrier well suited for maintenance and work zone operations.