Aesthetic concrete barrier design Bullard, D Lance, Jr. et al
Publication details: Washington DC National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2006; NCHRP report 554, Description: 87 sISBN:- 0309088496
The increasing application of context-sensitive design solutions for highway projects has created a national need for aesthetic improvement of typical highway features. Requests for concrete barrier treatments and bridge rails that contribute to the overall aesthetic experience are increasing. Concrete barriers (e.g., New Jersey, F-shapes, single-slope, and vertical-face designs) are often the barriers of choice in urban and suburban environments. Many transportation agencies and communities have expressed a desire for aesthetic treatments for these standard shapes. To date, there has been limited evaluation to determine which aesthetic treatments are safe and practical. Designers need guidance regarding the safety implications of aesthetic treatments for concrete barriers. Under this project the Texas Transportation Institute developed design guidelines for aesthetic safety shape (New Jersey and F-shape profile) concrete barriers.